Financial Information

Financial Highlight

Financial Details

Quarterly : 2024

3M 6M 9M 2024
Profit & Loss (Million Baht)
Services Revenue 1,352 2,481 3,294 4,385
Total Services Revenue 1,360 2,514 3,380 4,498
Cost of Services 1,111 2,104 2,914 3,802
EBITDA 326 582 741 1,087
EBIT 125 179 132 275
Net Profit 47 23 102 51
Financial Position (Million Baht)
Total Assets 9,607 9,451 8,940 8,795
      Current Assets 1,552 1,631 1,333 1,388
      Non-Current Assets 8,054 7,784 7,608 7,407
Total Liabilities 6,681 6,571 6,221 6,030
      Current Liabilities 4,380 4,078 3,697 3,662
      Non-Current Liabilities 2,301 2,493 2,524 2,368
Shareholders’ Equity 2,925 2,844 2,719 2,765
Financial Ratios
Asset Performance
Asset Turnover (times) 0.65 0.62 0.56 0.49
Gross Profit Margin (%) 17.83% 15.18% 11.54% 13.29%
EBITDA Margin (%) 24.14% 23.45% 22.51% 24.79%
EBIT Margin (%) 9.26% 7.11% 3.92% 6.10%
Net Profit Margin (%) 3.43% 0.91% 3.01% 1.13%
Return on Equity (%) 4.22% 2.08% 1.86% 9.73%
Return on Assets (%) 1.29% 0.65% 0.57% 2.99%
Stock Data
Earning per share (Baht/share) 0.04 0.02 0.09 0.04
Authorized Capital (M baht) 1,149 1,149 1,149 1,149
Paid-up Capital (M baht) 1,149 1,149 1,149 1,149


2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Profit & Loss (Million Baht)
Services Revenue 4,726 4,712 5,158 6,095 4,385
Total Services Revenue 4,776 4,803 5,238 6,167 4,498
Cost of Services 3,740 3,769 4,390 5,227 3,802
EBITDA 1,647 1,604 1,494 1,286 1,087
EBIT 544 594 553 434 275
Net Profit 241 351 308 131 51
Financial Position (Million Baht)
Total Assets 10,017 9,210 8,870 9,556 8,795
Current Assets 1,739 1,541 1,603 1,688 1,388
Non-Current Assets 8,278 7,669 7,267 7,868 7,407
Total Liabilities 7,604 6,552 5,995 6,677 6,030
Current Liabilities 2,927 3,279 3,064 4,470 3,662
Non-Current Liabilities 4,677 3,273 2,932 2,207 2,368
Shareholders’ Equity 2,412 2,658 2,874 2,879 2,765
Financial Ratios
Asset Performance
Asset Turnover (times) 0.45 0.50 0.58 0.67 0.49
Gross Profit Margin (%) 20.86% 20.03% 14.89% 14.24% 13.29%
EBITDA Margin (%) 34.85% 34.04% 28.96% 21.10% 24.79%
EBIT Margin (%) 11.52% 12.61% 10.72% 7.12% 6.10%
Net Profit Margin (%) 5.05% 7.30% 5.88% 2.12% 1.13%
Return on Equity (%) 10.53% 13.83% 11.06% 4.51% 9.73%
Return on Assets (%) 2.28% 3.65% 3.41% 1.42% 2.99%
Stock Data
Earning per share (Baht/share) 0.21 0.31 0.27 0.11 0.04
Authorized Capital (M baht) 1,150 1,150 1,149 1,149 1,149
Paid-up Capital (M baht) 1,141 1,149 1,149 1,149 1,149


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Profit & Loss (Million Baht)
Services Revenue 1,868 2,891 3,154 3,567 4,690
Total Services Revenue 1,873 2,911 3,186 3,624 4,773
Cost of Services 1,378 2,063 2,322 3,445 4,040
EBITDA 683 1,169 1,183 904 1,562
EBIT 211 558 572 (132) (384)
Net Profit 89 323 360 (285) (1)
Financial Position (Million Baht)
Total Assets 4,489 6,004 10,241 11,987 11,106
Current Assets 919 2,255 1,990 2,304 2,065
Non-Current Assets 3,570 3,749 8,251 9,683 9,041
Total Liabilities 3,749 3,753 7,663 9,821 8,941
Current Liabilities 1,690 1,960 3,807 4,215 3,555
Non-Current Liabilities 2,059 1,794 3,855 5,606 5,386
Shareholders’ Equity 740 2,251 2,578 2,166 2,166
Financial Ratios
Asset Performance
Asset Turnover (times) 0.52 0.55 0.39 0.33 0.41
Gross Profit Margin (%) 26.23% 28.64% 26.38% 3.41% 13.86%
EBITDA Margin (%) 36.58% 40.44% 37.50% 25.33% 33.32%
EBIT Margin (%) 11.31% 19.29% 18.14% (3.71%) (8.19%)
Net Profit Margin (%) 4.74% 11.08% 11.30% (7.85%) (0.02%)
Return on Equity (%) 15.73% 21.58% 14.91% (12.00%) (0.05%)
Return on Assets (%) 2.45% 6.15% 4.43% (2.56%) (0.01%)
Stock Data
Earning per share (Baht/share) 0.12 0.39 0.32 (0.25) (0.00)
Authorized Capital (M baht) 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,150
Paid-up Capital (M baht) 750 1,130 1,130 1,130 1,139

Financial Details